Disaster Relief and Recovery

The Wrath of a Disastrous Event, need not be compounded by poor sanitation and further health hazards.

When a catastrophe such as a tornado, hurricane, flood, or even a bad ice storm strikes… residences and whole communities are usually, and immediately, left with- out their necessary utilities services.  One of the most critical and essential utility losses during such events is the loss of sufficient sewage, (human waste) disposal capabilities.

With the loss of power and or water, community sewage handling and treatment facilities immediately go off line. Without adequate water supplies conventional in home toilets, even those with personal self-supported septic systems, also immediately fail to function without their water supplies. This may even effect homes that are otherwise unscathed by the disaster. Conventional portable vault toilets scattered through-out communities can somewhat mitigate the human waste disposal crisis, but the reality is, and more often than not, it is not practical or possible for most residents to access these and use them. When nature calls in the middle of the night, when residences are several flights of stairs up, or when people must otherwise walk very far at all to use one of these portable community toilets, the chances are and the reality is… they don’t! Backyards, nearby vacant lots, streets, and alleys are more likely to be used spreading disease through-out the community.

In home chamber pots or conventional personal port-a-potties, can be a viable solution to managing human waste,  but, without a convenient user friendly place or means of emptying and cleaning out these personal make shift privies… the waste is still likely to end-up dumped in inappropriate places such as again, vacant lots, back alleys, streets, or dumpsters. This is where the SCAT MACHINE portable human waste management systems, comes to the rescue.

From the Backwoods to Urban Communities

SCAT MACHINE human waste management systems were initially developed in 1990, for use in “back country” recreation areas, and now play an essential role in keeping our pristine back-country trails, lakes, rivers, and campsites clean and free of human waste and the diseases that can be spread by it. These, user friendly systems, are widely used to support human waste carry-out and disposal programs through-out many of our recreation areas today.  These waste management systems have made it possible to bring human waste management and sanitation to areas where there was none before, and have also, in many areas replaced and outdated, the less than desirable community latrines, and vault toilets which, to say the least, are difficult and expensive to maintain.  Let’s face it. Community latrines are just that, a community experience. Such facilities can also never be totally and practically located, to be conveniently accessible to all in need.

SCAT MACHINE systems in any event or situation, first and foremost, affords people their own continued functional, personal and private in home privies. But above all and most importantly, because of the user friendly and sanitary nature in which these systems operate, people are most willing to use them resulting in…the waste ends up where it should be and properly disposed of.

To the City… Here is how it works! In an event in which private or municipal sewage (human waste) disposal systems may be rendered inoperative, portable SCAT MACHINE waste disposal systems can be readily and immediately set-up at strategic locations in or adjacent to an affected area.  Homes and businesses may continue to retain their own private “in house toilets” by utilizing cheap and readily available plastic 5 gallon pails as chamber pots. Then periodically, the 5 gallon pail (with snap- on lid) is taken to a SCAT MACHINE waste disposal system located nearby for disposal. No the bucket and waste are not thrown away. The user simply places the bucket into the SCAT MACHINE; the bucket is automatically emptied; and in less than two minutes the container is washed out ready for use again. The machine does it all! The waste is then properly disposed through sewage treatment methods. One SCAT MACHINE, can serve a community of several hundred.

People are readily willing to properly dispose of their waste when utilizing these systems due to the sanitary and user friendlynature of this management and disposal method. Most users say that “using the SCAT MACHINE systems are much more desirable than hand dumping and cleaning out containers”.  And that they, “prefer this personalized system over outhouses, community vault toilets, going in the woods or back alleys, because, this system allows them to maintain their own toilet facilities, in the privacy and convenience of their  own homes and businesses.” This all equates to… a more sanitary and safer survival environment. For more information, please contact Frenchglen Blacksmiths at 541-495-2315.

SCAT Machine brochure for disaster areas.

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